Matt Moehrig - Still Water Camps

Matt Moehrig

Founder & Executive Director
Boerne, TX

While growing up in Corpus Christi, I was blessed with a strong family, a solid school district, incredible teachers and coaches, and a multitude of wonderful families that provided encouragement and inspiration to pursue Excellence. After a few challenging years after high school, I found a home at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. While playing football for the Tigers, I was greatly impacted by a college teammate that encouraged me to attend an FCA College Retreat event where I had a chance to learn more about my sin and need for a Savior. At this event, my Bible study leader named Dane Johnson, encouraged me to continue in my pursuit of God and His plan for my life. At this college event, I committed my life to Christ on March 1, 1998 and began to pursue a vision placed in my heart for Still Water. Campus Crusade and FCA provided amazing discipleship during the next 24 months of my life that established a strong foundation. As my life became His, things became clear to go on a mission with this ministry. In 2004 I met my future wife, Becca who began volunteering with the ministry. In 2007 we were married. We reside in Boerne with six wonderful children: Mikayla, Brea, Aubrey, Lauralyn, Dane, & Cambrie. Our Lord continues to grow this ministry each year and my hope is we will continue to be used in extraordinary measure to bring the Gospel of Christ into homes across the world through our mission of both Camp and CampUs Ministry.

Verse: James 4:14 “Life is a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.”

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